Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 8 - Last Day in Peru

Another early flight from Cusco to Lima started our day.

We were out of our hotel by 5am heading to the airport to fly to Lima so we can get our flight back to the United States, only thing is... that flight doesn't leave till 11pm. So when we landed in Lima we hopped onto another bus that took us to the hotel we stayed at the first two nights so we could nap, freshen up, and to store our luggage. Some people are hanging in the hotel napping all day and some are going to shop.

Jenn and I took showers and relaxed for awhile. Now we are heading out to walk around Lima, maybe find a nice little coffee shop (cafe). We have to be back at the hotel by 7pm for dinner and then we leave at 8pm to go to the airport for our flight home. The flight is about 8 hours so we will arrive at Newark, NJ around 7am. I hope we can sleep on the plane. Jenn and I both are very tired from all of the traveling and look forward to sleeping in our own beds. :-)

We saw a lot of interesting places and met a lot of nice people on this trip... where to next?

Can't wait to see you all manana!
Adios Amigos!

1 comment:

DadJC said...

Excellent blog all week - narrative, photos, videos!! Thanks for allowing us to be part of your experience :-)

See you bright and early tomorrow at the airport!