Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 3 - Cusco, Peru

This morning we we got up at 2am to go to the airport for a 5:45am flight from Lima to Cusco, Peru. The flight was very quick, but throughout the whole flight my ears were popping and Jenn was so tired she slept the whole flight. When we arrived at Cusco, you can tell that it is very different from Lima. Cusco is a city surrounded by the beautiful Andes Mountains. The scenery is gorgeous.

We took a tour of Cusco, and went up the mountains to the Incan ruins. Up at the top of the mountains the view of Cusco city was amazing. Here we are on top of the mountain with Cusco behind us:

Because we are at such a high altitude Jenn and I both got winded very easily. Not because we are out of shape, but because we are so high up. :-)

We also took a tour of Qorikancha Temple, and a Cathedral. At Qorikancha we got to see the remains of Incan temples, the interesting thing here was that no substance was used to keep the large stones together, each stone actually held eachother in place like a puzzle. After our tour we all went to eat dinner at a nice restaurant, and we were surprised with a group of 5 musicians (all brothers from the ages of 14 to 23) who played traditional Peruvian music for us. Here is a little taste of what we saw:

And lastly we went back to the hotel to relax and go to bed because we have another long day ahead of us.
Buenas Noches!


DadJC said...

Hi! You are having an amazing experience, and so glad you both are getting the opportunity to enjoy this together! Looking forward to seeing photos / video of the looked windy and rainy there in the is sunny and warming up here - on its way to 50+ degrees for the next week.

This is a great way to share your vacation experience - thanks!!

Megs said...

Hi ladies! It looks like you are having a fantastic experience. This blogging website is really cool!

Sorry to see that it is a bit was 70 something here yesterday...I will wish some of the sunshine and warm weather your way this week.

Everything looks beautiful! Try not to break too many Peruvian hearts down there! They are probably not used to such gorgeous women hanging around!

momjb said...

You both look great standing on the mountain. Love the videos they really capture what your experiencing. Looking forward to seeing more. Stay safe and healthy.
Miss you both.